Shauna Heron
'Stephen’s Green- Then and Now'
Merrion Row, Dublin 2
Dublin City Council
This box is located right in the heart of Georgian Dublin. Overlooking St Stephen’s Green, the imagery features a double-sided window- one reflecting the green as it was when it was originally designed in 1880, the other a small snapshot of what the park represents to modern Dubliners.
I am currently a Visual Communications mature student in DIT, (finishing summer of 2020, please god!) with huge interest in illustration. Following my degree, I hope to illustrate full time and am very comfortable working in various media. I have previously completed two other Dublin Canvas Artworks (“Tea with Nanny” at Rathfarnham castle in 2020 and “Suburban Paradise”- Firhouse Road, in 2019). I have been a great admirer of the Dublin Canvas Project for many years and would love to continue to be involved this year too.