Rachel Maher
'Chris & Steve'
Church Street Upper, Dublin 7
Dublin City Council
My design was sent to Damien Dempsey to seek his approval and blessing (I was afraid of copyright issues) but he is delighted with it. It's a suicide prevention design based on his song "Chris and Stevie".
I have lived in Palmerstown for almost 21 years. I have been commissioned over the years to do artwork and murals and I have a good following in Palmerstown and am well known for my artistic abilities. I was artistic from a very young age, but it became apparent that I was colour-blind as a young child. Which I never allowed to get in the way of my creative ability. I have a proton deficiency, which means I have trouble distinguishing red and green and some other colours. But I have learnt to deal with this disability and I think it makes my art all the more special because I don’t see things how everyone else does!