Iza Jane
'Away With The Faeries'
Highthorn Park, Mounttown Lower, Monkstown, Dublin.
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council
There are six cats, and corresponding "butterfly" faeries, that consist of primary and secondary colours, lounging around the traffic box. I have painted a wall that the cats interact with to blend into the area the traffic box is placed. This creates a seamless transition to the traffic boxes external environment.
I'm currently going into my 3rd year of my bachelor's course in Art in the Institute of Art, Design and Technology located in Dun Laoghaire. I love giving back to the communities that I live with and particularly Dun Laoghaire, as I've become so well acquainted with it in the past year I would love to add something unique and fun for the people of the community to enjoy.